Petoskey Print Studio has been requested to provide project management for the pupose of acquiring and producing artwork for installation into Harbor Hall’s Petoskey location. Harbor Hall has recently expanded into a newly constructed building and is interested in soliciting artwork for donation to place into both their new and current spaces.
Harbor Hall is a local 501.3c with the stated mission:
Harbor Hall’s Mission is to provide quality substance abuse treatment services to individuals and their families who have experienced significant problems related to the disease of alcoholism/chemical dependency. Harbor Hall strives to promote a higher quality of life and functioning for individuals experiencing problems related to substance use. – harborhall.com
We are currently seeking artwork submissions for consideration by Harbor Hall. Artwork for considerations will meet the following criteria.
- Artists local to Northern Michigan
- Work that is calming and / or which can spark conversation
- All work must be family appropriate with no display or suggestion of substance use
- 2 dimensional wall hanging art
- Original works, prints, and reproductions will be accepted
- Harbor Hall has requested to primarily receive local sights and scenery, but will consider works from other areas as long as the other requirements are met
Artwork Submission:
Please email your submissions by March 12th to Call4Artists@PetoskeyPrintStudio.com using the following guidelines:
Photography: Please send a jpg in the sRGB color space which has dimensions of approximately 3000 pixels on the long end. Non-obtrusive watermarks are welcome. Please title your file as Name_Title.jpg
Non-Photography: Please photograph your work, phone photos are welcome. We ask that any image supplied must be a good representation of your work. If you have questions on this please call. Email them and select “Large” or “Actual size” if and when prompted by your email. If possible please title the file as Name_Title.jpg and include the size in the body of your email.
Please include your name, phone number, and type of artwork in the body of the email.
By submitting your work you agree that Petoskey Print Studio may use and reproduce your intellectual property for the purpose of considering your work for this project. This may include electronic and physical reproduction and display so that we may share your work with Harbor Hall. Your work will not be reproduced without your permission for any other purpose and will else wise be protected under our Intellectual Property Policy.